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What is CGS?

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) is a method of faith formation for children ages 3 to 12 built on nearly 70 years of collaboration beginning with two women, Sofia Cavaletti and Gianna Gobbi in Rome.

CGS builds on Montessori foundations to assist the child in deepening the existing relationship with God, the development of a personal prayer life, participation in the Liturgical and Sacramental life of the Church, and a deeper understanding of Catholic identity and tradition. 

How is CGS different than other programs?

Unlike a standard textbook-based program, CGS uses hands-on materials to present developmental, age appropriate Biblical and Liturgical themes to the children.  Throughout their time in the environment, the children are introduced to various events in the Life of Jesus, the Sacraments, Parables of Jesus, and the Liturgy.  

Can a child in Catholic School Participate in CGS?

Absolutely! CGS is an aid to a religious life; more than education in the faith it aims to assist children in nurturing their relationship with Jesus.  CGS is a good way to complement parents’ work at home and the work that the children may be doing at their parochial school. 

What is the Atrium?

The Atrium is a space in which the children work and pray while exploring the deep truths of the Catholic faith.  The Atrium, along with the Domestic Church, and the parish community, prepares and helps to guide the child to full participation in the Life of the Church.

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